A96 Planned Roadworks in Forres

As part of the planning consultation for the new Forres railway station and access road it was agreed that the Network Rail would construct new footways alongside the A96. To construct the new footways safely their contractor, BAM Nuttall, will use nine phases of traffic management along the A96 in the coming months.

Phase 1 starts on 05 June 2017 and Phase 9 is programmed to end on 19 November 2017. Advance warning Variable Message Signs will be placed on the A96 displaying a two-week countdown to the start of road works. A temporary speed limit of 30 mph will be in force throughout the phases of work.

The traffic management plan has been approved by BEAR Scotland on behalf of Transport Scotland. Traffic updates will be available at https://trafficscotland.org/ throughout the duration of the works and local radio stations will also advise of any traffic issues.

Should you have any questions regarding these works, please email aberdeeninverness@networkrail.co.uk or call the Network Rail Helpline on 03457 114141.

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